Deciding when to keep your student home from school can be difficult. When a student is sick and needs to stay at home, parents should contact the school and describe the illness and symptoms. If a Health Care Provider makes a specific diagnosis (such as strep throat, conjunctivitis, chicken pox, etc.), send in a note from the Health Care Provider with instructions for care at school.
There are several reasons students should stay home from school:
- The student does not feel well enough to participate in usual activities and exhibits signs of extreme fatigue, unexplained irritability, or persistent crying.
- The student requires more care than the school staff is able to provide without negatively impacting the health and safety of other students.
- The student is not vaccinated due to medical or religious reasons and there is an outbreak in the school.
- The student has an illness that requires them to stay home and/or their Health Care Provider has provided a written return to school letter with a return date.
The Health Services Illness Policy gives guidelines and recommendations for exclusion from school due to specific symptoms or diagnoses.