Throughout the school year, your child has been instructed on the skills and content assessed on the FSA assessment. As part of the preparation for these assessments, your child will be given an opportunity to participate in a practice test at school to become familiar with the computer-based testing platform (if applicable), item types and response formats he or she will see on the assessments. If you or your student would also like to review the practice tests at home, the practice tests and answer keys are available at:
English Language Arts (Grade 6)
Math (Grade 6):
English Language Arts (Grades 7-8)
Math (Grades 7-8) or Algebra 1 or Geometry:
Civics (students enrolled in Civics class only): (select Practice Tests from the Related Links section in the lower right corner. Then click on the appropriate link, depending on whether your student will receive accommodations per an IEP or 504 plan)
We recommend that you sit with your child to review a practice test, not only to become familiar with the structure of the questions, but also with the test navigation.
Information about the 8th grade Science assessment can be found at
The state assessments provide a single snapshot of your child’s knowledge of the content tested. Teachers use this data as well as many other indicators of your child’s learning to inform their instruction of your child.